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Insert Monday classwork description here


For homework on Monday, read chapters 13-19 and analyze for punctuation this week.


analyze Gregory's use diction using the sentence frame;


First analyze the quote on the board.


Then pick one sentence or paragraph in Shame and answer the questions as a group.

For homework Tuesday,  read chapters 13-19 and analyze for punctuation this week. This is due Friday.


Complete your annotations of Shame:


Paragraphs 1-6 hashtags, comma usage, polysyndeton, asyndeton


Paragraphs 1-7 Abstract ideas at left, highlight text evidence in the actual paragraph.


In Packet, complete the graphic organizer.

For homework Wednesday,  read chapters 13-19 and analyze for punctuation this week. This is due Friday.


In addition,  complete your annotations of Shame.


Write up your claim using all the evidence from your graphic organizer.

For homework Thursday, For homework Wednesday,  read chapters 13-19 and analyze for punctuation this week. This is due Friday.


Independent reading

For homework Friday, finish chapters 13-19, if you did not turn them in on Friday.

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