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Work on the causes of 1812 with the 5 key vocabulary words.

For homework Tuesday, begin working on the war of 1812 homework- the reading and the reading and the poem.


Keep working on the causes of 1812 with the 5 key vocabulary words. Also revise your essay based on teacher comments.

For homework Wednesday, keep working on the war of 1812 homework- the reading and the reading and the poem. 


Keep working on the causes of 1812 with the 5 key vocabulary words. Also revise your essay based on teacher comments.

For homework Thursday, keep working on the war of 1812 homework- the reading and the reading and the poem. 


Study for the essay test on the causes of the War of 1812.


Test on the war of 1812..

Finish your war of 1812 reading and poem for homework.

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