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Read Two Names and My Name and brainstorm ideas about identity. Write a claim about your ideas.


Read House on Mango Street pages 3-13 and complete the handout.


Decorate your name with pictures that represent you and prepare to share it with your class.


Analyze a cartoon.

Read Still Me Inside and answer the comprehension questions.

Then discuss the reading.

For homework Tuesday,

Respond to one of these prompts in your journal:


How do labels, assumptions and stereotypes affect how people identify each of us?


How do labels, assumptions and stereotypes affect how we think about ourselves?


Bring in a photo of yourself from when you were 13.


Find examples of how the character shows her age  in the first 5 chapters of the House on Mango Street. Greater details in attached slides.

No Wednesday homework.


Insert Thursday classwork here.

For homework Thursday


Insert Friday classwork here.

For homework Friday

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